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Permanent Makeup

Microblading is often referred to as eyebrow embroidery and micro-stroking. Feather like strokes are drawn onto the brows with a hand tool instead of machine. The pigments are deposited into the upper layer of the dermis, making it shallower than traditional permanent makeup technique. The results are more natural looking, hair like strokes that complement the existing hair.

Shading comes in many names (Ombré Brows, Powder Brows) gives the brow a gradient appearance with small pin-point dots. A small machine disperses extremely fine dots of pigments even into and across the skin in an airbrush or shading technique. The results being powdery with a faded front and a crisp tail, resembling the look of makeup.

Permanent Makeup Services

Permanent Makeup Consultation

This is a consultation appointment for us to meet in person to discuss your desires and goals for your PMU session.


Microblading is a semi-permanent tattooing technique that creates hairlike strokes to fill in sparse or thinning brows.

Microblading & Shading

Microblading is a semi-permanent tattooing technique that creates hairlike strokes to fill in sparse or thinning brows. Shading gives you the look of make-up similar to powder eyebrows.

Ombré Brows

Ombré brows give you a powdery, with a faded front and a crisp tail, resembling the look of makeup.

Permanent Lips

Permanent Lips is a form of semi-permanent makeup that enhances and defines both the natural shape and color of a client’s natural lips. It can also be used to help mask scars and imperfections of the lips and to create asymmetry.

Permanent Eyeliner

Permanent Eyeliner eliminates the need to apply eyeliner with makeup, and can be done on the upper and lower lash line. Permanent Eyeliner can also frame the eyes and can make eyelashes appear thicker, darker and fuller.

Book in Redwood City


  • We require an initial $200 non-refundable deposit for all permanent makeup services paid at time of appointment scheduling.
  • Rescheduling an appointment within 24 hours will result in surrendering all deposits and consultation payments and will require a new $100 non-refundable deposit for a new appointment.
  • No shows will result in surrendering all deposits and consultation payments and will require a new $100 non-refundable deposit for a new appointment.
  • There is a 10 min appointment grace period. After that, it will be considered a no show and will be charged accordingly.
  • It is our policy at Bella Lash & Beauty Bar not to perform permanent makeup on anyone under the age of 18, even with a consent form.
  • We make every effort to keep our website and menu updated, however please note that services and prices are subject to change at any time.

Care Information

Permanent Makeup FAQ

How long does the permanent makeup procedure take?

The average time required for permanent makeup procedure is between one to three hours depending on the procedure.

How long does Microblading take to heal?

It takes about ten days for healing. In that time any redness will fade and the initial darkness of the eyebrows will begin to lighten. The color will lighten over about thirty days as it completely sets in.

Why is it necessary to do a touch up?

Touch up is necessary because everyone heals differently and therefore the outcomes vary. Sometimes it is necessary to adjust the color and brow thickness by adding more strokes. In the touch up session, the final adjustments are made to assure the client’s satisfaction.

Can the touch up be done in less than four weeks?

This is not recommended because the healing needs to be completed before the final results are seen. Final adjustments should only be done after the initial work has stabilized.

Is Microblading painful?

The level of discomfort is relatively minor. Some liken it to tweezing two to three hairs at the same time. Usually a topical anesthetic is used to numb the area being worked. Topical anesthetics are safe and may contain lidocaine, tetracaine and epinephrine.

Redness and slight swelling in the area is common after the procedure. Often clients liken the feeling to a slight sunburn. Frequently Tylenol is used to deaden any discomfort.

How long does Microblading last?

Generally Microblading lasts six to eighteen months, depending on skin type…normal, oily, or dry and age…young or mature. It is not permanent like a tattoo, because the pigments are not implanted so deeply into the skin. Skincare also affects the duration of the pigments. To maintain the brows, touch may be done every six to eighteen months.

Are there any pre and post care instructions?

For detailed information refer to our care information page.

Are there any post-procedure instructions?

For detailed information refer to our care information page.

Who should NOT have Microblading?

  • Those using Accutane
  • Anyone with a heart condition or is using heart medications
  • Anyone with diabetes will need a physician’s approval.
  • Anyone with skin diseases or inflammations.
  • Anyone who had Botox in the last two weeks.
  • Anyone who has gotten a deep tan or chemical peel in the last two weeks.
  • Anyone who requires anesthetic and is allergic to lidocaine, tetracaine, or epinephrine.
  • Anyone with serious medical conditions should consult with their doctors and obtain their approval.
  • Anyone pregnant or nursing should get their doctor’s approval.
  • Anyone on blood thinning medications.

What are some of the risks and complications with Microblading?

Proper procedures and precautions are used to ensure safe procedures. Either sterilized tools or disposable tools are used in a sanitized environment. When pre and post care instructions are followed the risk of complications are minimal. Allergic reactions to pigments are very rare, but sometimes occur. For this reason, a pigment patch test for those with sensitive skin or to topical makeup product, gold , silver, nickel, or hair dyes should be patch tested a few days in advance of the procedure.

What if I don’t like the result?

Carefully choose your practitioner. Compare the work of various artists before choosing. Discuss your expectations and desired outcome, including the shape, style, and color you wish with the artist. Realize that faces are never perfectly symmetrical. Adjustments may be made during touch up, such as pigment discoloration and color correction. Remember that Microbladed brows will eventually fade away if touch ups are not done.

Will I be able to go to work?

The initial healing period is one week. As long as you’re good at following the aftercare instructions we provide, you should be able to return to work or going out in public immediately.

Can you cover up my old permanent makeup?

Results are not guaranteed if you have an existing tattoo. Please consult with us to determine if your tattoo can be covered. RESULTS WILL VARY. Achieving the highest degree of quality will be much more difficult and may require more than one touch up to achieve the desired results. In some cases removal may need to be done prior to Microblading.

Is permanent makeup a safe procedure?

At Bella Lash & Beauty Bar, the procedures are performed under sterile conditions, using only disposable needle cartridges and pens. There are no long-term side effects; short-term effects may include some redness, swelling, and tenderness. There are no known allergic reactions to pigments.